Behavioral Psychology Studies

What It Means To Say Behavioral Psychology Studies
Behavior Psychology Studies

We now come to the word behavior in the definition of psychology. Behavior includes anything a person or animal does that can be observed in some way. Behavior, unlike mind or thoughts or feelings, can be observed, recorded, and studied. No one ever saw or heard a mind, bu we can see and hear behavior. We can see and measure what a person does and hear and record what a person says (this is vocal behavior). From what is dome and said, psychologists can and do make inferences about the feelings, attitudes, thoughts, and other mental processes which may be behind the behavior. In this way, internal mental events can be studied as they manifest themselves through what people do their behavior. Thus, it is through behavior that we can actually study and come to understand internal mental processes that would otherwise be hidden from us. When we define psychology as "the science of behavior," we are not excluding mind; we are saying that what a person does his or her behavior is the avenue through which internal mental events can be studied.

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